a word to my friends....
it has been a month or so we've not met....i bet everyone is busy at sth now...
some are working
some NS-ing
some college-ing
and some dunno do wat...(lol)
but i'm sure that everyone of us is doing one same thing
waiting for spm results...isn't it?
and i'm sure we missed everyone of us....isn't it?
some even missed the school, the teachers..( ei, dun throw rotten eggs on me arr!)
well, i missed the time we've been to gether....
this january i learned sth from the tv..
it is about "I-Ching" 《易经》
and i found out sth meaningful about it...
this world is composed of yin and yang (we know that..)
and a diiferent combination of yin and yang will create a different result
for instance,
yin can be combined with either another yin or another yang
and thus create two different combinations (yin+yin, yin+yang)
same goes to yang
total: 4 different combinations (yin+yin, yin+yang, yang+yin, yang+yang)
these 4 combinations are then each combine with another yin or yang
and produce 8 different combinations (the 8 gua 八卦)
and then 16 combinations, 32, 64...so on and so forth....
it might sounds a bit confusing,
but what the "I-Ching" wants to say is
whenever it is
there will be two different choices (yin or yang)
and each choice gives you a different result
up to you to choose (u might found it similar to the poem "the road not taken")
but whatever the result is
whether it cheers you up
or turns you down
whether it is a success
or a failure
be happy
and satisfied
because you know...
you've tried
and done your very best......
good luck my friend...
have a happy future.....
~ seanyee @ 鱼儿 ~
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